Size Matters!



Wrigleyville: 773-525-4580

Wicker Park: 773-525-4580

Revival Foodhall: 773-525-4580

Lincoln Square: 773-525-4580

December 21st, 2016

Let’s Talk About Price, Baby!

We hope that if you’re a cRustomer at Dimo’s you know by now that we’re pretty (very) committed to the highest quality product. For us, that means we know where all of our ingredients come from, and we make our products fresh in-house and from scratch. But how does that quality translate into value for you? After all, we believe pizza is the food of the people, and we want our ‘za to be both high quality and high access.

Every decision we make at Dimo’s is driven by data. That means input from our staff and cRustomers, but it also includes just straight up running the numbers. And to get to the value, we can go back to the data and crunch some such numbers. So without further ado, here’s a look at something we don’t usually devote a ton of time talking about: price. To look at how our prices slice up, we decided to compare our whole pie prices to some other pizza companies available in Chicago, specifically Sarpino’s, Pizza Hut, and Domino’s.

When looking at the numbers, one important factor to keep in mind is that our standard ‘za is a 20” pie, compared to the biggest option at other spots coming in around 16” in size. In order to compare between different sizes, we decided to go by price per square inch. In every single comparison with five of our top pizzas, our price per square inch reigned supreme! 


Dimo’s: $0.06/square inch

Domino's: $0.071/square inch

Pizza Hut: $0.079/square inch

Sarpino’s: $0.099/square inch


Dimo’s: $0.06/square inch

Domino's: $0.075/square inch

Pizza Hut: $0.088/square inch

Sarpino’s: $0.111/square inch

Dimo Florentine

Dimo’s: $0.089/square inch

Domino's: $0.104/square inch

Pizza Hut: $0.111/square inch

Sarpino’s: $0.137/square inch


Dimo’s: $0.102/square inch

Domino's: $0.104/square inch

Pizza Hut: $0.111/square inch

Sarpino’s: $0.137/square inch

So, what’s the point here? Honestly, we were surprised by just how well our prices compare to the (queue air quotes) competition. We thought you might be too. We don’t spend a lot of time trying to convince our cRustomers we have the cheapest pies in town because we just simply care more about delivering on uncompromising quality. Our giant 20” pies might seem expensive, but when you break it down by the value you’re getting for the amount of ‘za in the box, we beat our less exotic pizza brethren every time. Now that’s something to talk about.

'Za Latest Photo

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Everyday 11am to Late


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SAT 11AM - 3AM
SUN 11AM - 12AM



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